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Saturday, June 14, 2014

What a wonderful experience my first year as a MPUC mission trip chaperone (facilitator, Lee!) has been. I am so proud of this group of youth. I wish upon our return we had the time for us to share with each family what thoughtful, engaged children they have brought into the world -- but I'm pretty sure your tired, grimy kids will want to get right home. So here are some of the traits they've exhibited that I think have made this trip so easy and enjoyable:

Abram: His own man; wry sense of humor; keen observer of those around him.
Lydia: Mature beyond her years; quiet strength -- though I suspect she's less quiet when adults new to the trip aren't around!
Kira: Joie de vivre; loves her family; self-aware and open to learning more.
Amelia: Dancer par excellence who brings joy and energy to those around her.
Paul: Such a thoughtful, kind and talented young man who is trusted by all.
Alec: Our own "Macklemore" with Mamie's faux fur coat, but a young man who brings warmth to any room he's in.
Danny: A hard-working, intense young man blessed with an irreverent sense of silly.
Dani: Holds a wealth of knowledge and the capacity to do so much good in our world.
Lisa: Who doesn't want to be around Lisa? She makes everyone feel like she's their best friend.
Cecelia: It feels like Cecelia has been here always; the group will deeply miss our exchange students.
Nick: He's wrong. He IS a terrific public speaker -- and his observations are worth hearing.
Ryan: I'm not a huge sports fan, but Ryan makes me want to be. Yet he is so much more than that.
Devin: Cares so much about his friends and they know it.
Julia: Wow. To know so much and be so open-minded at such a young age. Can't wait to see what she does with her life.
Lian: I will be reading whatever she writes as an author, because I know she will capture insights unseen by others.
Avery: Her mature, thoughtful observations come when least expected and add a great deal to any conversation. 
Maddy: Leads by example and people want to follow.
Mattie: So deeply conscious of her/our impact on the universe.
Edmund: A creative soul who can make others laugh while also laughing at himself.
Sam: That sparkle in his eye is both love and mischief -- critical additions to any strong team!
Allison: Maturity beyond her years; a solid and reliable team member.
Jimmy: The group felt complete once he arrived.
Ben: Or should I say, "Bane?" What impression can't he do? And what fun he is to be around.
Erika: Everyone looks forward to her being co-chair next year.
Hannah: Nick's "third parent," is what I hear. (And I thought she was just his sister.)
Simon: (Full disclosure -- my son) Watching him learn about the world is one of my greatest pleasures.

That's 26. Everyone accounted for. (Wait a sec! Where's Edmund?) Thank you for allowing me to be part of your world for just a week, kids. It was my distinct pleasure.  ....JulieSB


Maggie P. said...

What a group of youth! What a group of adult facilitators! Our little faith communit is so blessed by all of you. Safe travels home and can't wait to hear all about it!

Unknown said...

An awesome group! Thanks for sharing and bering the world to them.