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Sunday, June 8, 2014

Day One in NOLA

We emerged from the buses, tired and disoriented, into the hot and humid weather. We've taken over 2 floors of Tulane's Willow dorms. Some people swam, while others played games. We're excited to see the French Quarter tonight, and get to work on Tuesday! Kira's scared of cockroaches. We'll keep you updated!
-Maddy and Kira


Janet Humphrey said...

Just want everybody to know many folks are thinking of you and hoping you have a great journey. We prayed for you during our Pentecost service today. You might like the Peace Crane mobile hanging from the ceiling in the chancel. Winging Peace on Pentecost: sort of like what you are doing this week.

Anne Bushnell said...

I imagine all of you are looking forward to sleeping in beds tonight! Hopefully you got to work the kinks out today and are having a great time exploring.