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Thursday, February 24, 2011

Hey Everyone!

Just a reminder that THIS Saturday, February 26th 2011, is the Bread Bake at church. This is a mandatory event for all mission trip participants. We will be baking bread to sell the next morning at church as a fundraiser for the mission trip. This is a wonderful opportunity for the youth and the adults to get to know each other better for the mission trip this year. We will be learning more about the area where we are traveling, playing games, baking bread, and of course having lots of fun! It starts at 6:30 p.m. and will go until after church on sunday.

Youth, please remember that the Covenant rules apply to the bread bake--- this means no cell phones, drugs, alcohol, ect.

We look forward to seeing everyone at the bread bake! If you have any questions, please feel free to email myself or Lee or contact me on Facebook.

Clara Dockter

Silent Auction Happening Now!

The silent auction is starting soon. This has typically been our greatest fundraiser; last year we raised close to $,5000. All youth who are attending the mission trip are required to donate at least one thing to the auction. If you need ideas, please call me or email me.( In addition to donations of time for services such as babysitting, lawn mowing, snow shoveling, etc, as well as baked goods and other food items, please consider making a themed basket for donation. Elizabeth Simmer shared some great ideas at the youth group meeting on February 13, and we have lists with lots of other ideas. Please talk to Elizabeth or me.

Youth donations are due to me no later than Sunday, March 13. You can email me with your donation information ( or print off the donation form, fill it out, and leave it in my mailbox at church.

We will take donations from church members March 6 , 13, and 20. Bidding starts on March 20 and we will take bids for 4 Sundays, March 20, 27, April 3, and April 10. The 10th is the final day for bidding. We will need youth to help post bids on those 4 Sundays. Please watch for a sign up sheet at youth events.


Laura Donovan

Saturday, February 12, 2011


Only four of our youth mission families have turned in coffee sales – we really need everyone to encourage their family and friends to enjoy this great coffee.  We have been successful with our sales at church, but we were not planning on that replacing last year’s individual sales.  We aren’t even to 50% of what we raised last year through the coffee sales.

With that; I am guessing that a deadline will help focus our attention and efforts.
I will take the last orders on February 28th for delivery the following Sunday.

If you are struggling with the best way to get orders to me – you can put them in my box in the church office; email them to me at; fax them to me at 651-292-0072 or drop them in our mailbox at 2237 Sargent Avenue. 

Let’s get our family, neighbors and friends caffeinated now!
