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Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Non-Mission Trip, But Habitat Mission Oriented


The church, as part of interfaith builders, is participating in a Habitat build the week of July 25-29. Youth over 18 are welcome to participate, youth ages 16-17 are also welcome but need an adult sponsor for the time that they are there.

I will be volunteering Wednesday and Thursday July 27th and 28th. Kelly will be with me those days as well. I am able to "sponsor" up to 3 more 16-17 year olds. So if any of you would be interested in helping with Habitat for either (or both) of those days, I would be glad to sponsor you. The work day runs from 8:30 to 4:00 PM. Lunch, snacks, water, ... are provided.

Please let me know if you are interested and available.

         Norm Tiedemann

Sunday, July 3, 2011

DOOR Denver Facebook Page

You can go to DOOR Denver on Facebook to see photos and a video from Antonio.

I believe the correct response is.... Me Like!


Saturday, July 2, 2011

Tom's Photos Are on-line.

 Finally some pictures. (Tom - I guess that iphone/ipad combo really isn't that great. :-)

Tom gave me a CD with his photos and I've put them on my smugbug website. The link is at the top on the right. Please feel free to forward this link to whoever would like it. I've also updated the class pictures along the right side as well. If others have pictures, please either send me some good ones in email, or drop a CD into my mailbox at church and I'll add them to the collection. A CD would probably be better, then whoever is putting the photo show together for the church service can use them as well.

             Norm T.