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Monday, May 31, 2010


One additional requirement in working with Borderlinks - They have their own information/release form that they would like all participants to fill out.  It is on-line, but I will warn you - you will need the youth passport and insurance information.

I believe you can get to the form directly at:

(If not, go to follow the “Education” tab on our homepage, then click “Delegations”, then “Orientation and Registration”.

Some fill-in information:

1. Group Name - MPUC Youth Trip
2. Coordinator's email -  (by filling this in,
    I will be notified as people register, so I know who we are missing.)
3. Start Date of Trip - June 19
4. NOTE Date entry is DAY/MONTH/YEAR (date first)
5. There is a statement at the end "If the registrant is a minor, ..."
    ignore that, there is no additional information to submit.

Please let me know if you've got questions or have any problems.

    Norm T.
    651-731-3899  Home/Work
    651-335-6962  Cell

Friday, May 28, 2010

Hey All:

Here are some details at BorderLinks.

First, we DO NOT need to bring bedding and towels. Provided for us. Our goal of packing light and carrying on should be achievable. Go to the TSA website if you have any questions about the liquids, quart baggies, and other details.

We plan, as a group, to check 4 bags, which will include our medical kids and other group items. If there really needs to be something personal checked, we can discuss it at the picnic.

There will be 24 beds available in the dorms at that time. They have a large basement room with cots for the 12 remaining folks. There is one other small group of students (8) from Duke University there at that time.

There are two showers in each of the Men's and Women's bathrooms.


Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Mission Trip Send-Off Celebration
(and last-minute logistics: phone tree, packing, etc.)

Join us for a family picnic (yep—that’s youth, parents and even siblings) to finalize details for the mission trip and enjoy some fellowship.

This year’s picnic will be held at church:
Wednesday, June 16 at 6 p.m.

Norm and Tom will supply the meat, veggie burgers, buns, condiments and paper goods.  But….
If your last name begins with the letters A-L,
                                  please bring chips or a salad
If your last name begins with the letters M-P,
                                 please bring beverages
If your last name begins with the letters Q-Z,
                                please bring a dessert

**Coffee for Dunn Bros. fundraiser will be distributed at the picnic**

Important Reminder:  The Mission Trip Commissioning will take place at the 9:30am worship service on June 13, 2010. Youth, please attend as this is the congregation’s opportunity to send us off.

Monday, May 24, 2010

Kick off for 2010

The planning committee will start to put relevant information in blog entries, to keep you up to date as the trip gets closer.  On the right, there is a set of links to the packing list and the places we are working with.

As decisions are made and we learn about bedding, cots, work, travels, ... we will post entries on the blog.

Check back often to see the latest.