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Saturday, June 14, 2014

Catching up on the bus - part 1

The bus ride home is a time for reflection and I realize that there have been some moments missing from our journey.  First, a big shout out to our Cody, WY partners in the RHINO experience.  Their steady presence kept the momentum going at the St. Bernard Project.  And second, it was great to meet and work with Gerald who lived across the street from the SBP house and came to offer a hand almost daily.  A true community project.  Here are some pictures from Thursday's demo experience:

Lydia working like a fiend on the walls and ceiling in the kitchen (watch out below, Ben!)

Ben clearing out the kitchen

Mattie on clean up duty

Daniela prying up tile

Cody, Gerald and "Group Square" waiting patiently for the dumpster...

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