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Wednesday, June 11, 2014

First out in the morning.

A group of us (turquoise) are already on the road to the Gentilly area of New Orleans for demolition. Yesterday a group cleaned the house by hailing a dumpster full of 9 year old stuff out. Today we start taking down the interior walls. The other 3 groups of youth are just heading to breakfast. 

1 comment:

Janaet Humphrey said...

I think your thoughtful reflections are a tribute to your caring and analysis and also your preparation. Thank you everybody. You have given me a lot to reflect upon. I am so glad that your work included gardening. It is a beautiful garden and another avenue of empowerment for people. So many neighborhood justice organizations (Hope Community in Minneapolis for one) often have gardening as part of their mission. It is a reflection of justice in our food and our eating and the flowers are also important, both for natural pest control and for beauty. As Dorothy Day and others have said, "We give bread, but roses too."
Thank you, everybody.