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Thursday, June 12, 2014

Dance Party

Today we had a major dance party at Magnolia Community Center. It was amazing! All the people   there got really into it and they seemed to enjoy dancing a lot. We created these big circles , where we were holding  hands and dancing together.  We involved everybody and danced to different songs.
Afterwards we got to talk with people in the different working rooms. It was a great experience.

Die letzten zwei Tage im Magnolia Haus waren klasse. Vor allem das Tanzen hat viel Spass gemacht und ich konnte die Freude auf den Gesichtern der Behinderten sehen. Ein rundum perfekter Tag geht zu Ende.

Jeg hadde det utrolig kult i dag. Det var fantastisk å møte disse utrolige menneskene! Jeg lærte så mye fra dem! Det var definitivt en fabelaktig opplevelse! Jeg håper på å ta med meg dette videre i livet og forhåpentligvis jobbe med utviklingshemmede hjemme i Norge. TUSEN TAKK!!!

 - Lisa and Cecilia

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