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Thursday, June 12, 2014

An Overheard Conversation

Today at the Magnolia Community Center, Tom, Devin and I (Amelia) overheard nurses talking about Hurricane Katrina. There was total chaos; with police and normal people breaking into homes and robbing them. I found out that work places understated the threat of Katrina so workers would stay and work. I found this crazy; with some offices even threatening the loss of a job if people fled. From being from MN, I never thought about how something so catastrophic could tear down the systems that run our lives, leaving only pure anarchy. Over all I was impressed with the peoples will to survive and help other forms of life by putting food out for homeless dogs and cats. Even when our system fails, the care and love we feel for each other never falter.
Just some thoughts,


Anonymous said...

Nice thought Amelia. I think that the tension between order and chaos is hard...

Anonymous said...

Nice thought Amelia. I think that the tension between order and chaos is hard...