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Monday, June 21, 2010

Hello Again!

Hey All!

Today we went to cross street ministries at Southside Presbyterian Church. It was AMAZING! We had to wake up and 530 since we had to be there at 6. We served the Tucson homeless community as well as a large amount of migrants a meal. We had pasteries, cereal, meatloaf, salad, rice, chicken, greens, cake, milk, water, and the list goes on. They were also able to get their laundry done and take a shower. Yeah, serving the food was fun but what really made it for me was talking to people and hearing their stories. I talked to many men who are living on the streets due to alcoholism. It was interesting because they became alchoholics due to life changing experiences such as family deaths, etc. I became good friends with the 52 year old man from Sonoran, Mexico. He immigrated here to raise his 7 children and 13 grandchildren, who all live here now too. He comes and helps out with the serving process because he can't work due to a robbery injury that left him mentally incompetent. He says he wants to help "his people".

For those of you who don't know about the Sanctuary movement you should really look into it. Southside Presbyterian Church is known as a "sanctuary" meaning that ICE and police cannot come onto their property and take the undocumented aliens into custody. Therefore, in the parking lot of Southside Presbyterian there is a day worker station. We talked to about 20 guys who were sitting waiting for work. It is a first come, first serve basis, and their name is taken down and is a lottery basis. We saw a truck coming looking for work, all 20 men ran to the truck like it was a life or death situation, and only one man got to go. The men only spoke Spanish, so I translated for the group.

I have never been told I am so beautiful, and again, this goes back with the culture of latin americans. They never have anything mean to say to people who are helping them and are soooooo greatful. I was told that our work "made their day". I am honored.

In the afternoon we learned about sustainable food. ONLY BUY ORGANIC and from LOCAL FARMERS MARKET. The price may be more expensive, but they said that in reality it is more expensive because you are causing migrants to immigrate here (they are losing business on their local farms) and you are damaging your health. Leon, remember when I said that when I come home we are going to build a garden? Well, we need to look into what kind of a garden to make, what we want in our garden, and steps on how to do it. So there is our summer project. I'm excited!

Leon, I miss you so much. I'm glad to hear that you aren't forgetting about me. And I cannot WAIT to see you. I hope that you haven't lost my cell phone yet. How did your grad party turn out?? See you Saturday night at the airport! You should see if my mom would be willing to bring you and Sam to the ariport with her. I llllllllllllloooooooooovvvvvveeeeeeeeeeeeeee you so so so so so so so much. See you in 4 days!

Injuries for the day: Lily had a cactus thorn go through her foot. But, she is totally fine, just a little blood. Aidan had a spring flicked at his neck while Gabe and Walter were destroying a metal bed? He is also fine. So, the injuries were very minor.

Love you all! Thanks for the prayers and wishes. Miss you mom, dad, lily and Simon. Hugs and Kisses.


P.S. Mom, make sure you talk to Paula.


Connie Coleman said...

Sounds like you're having an incredible experience. Caroline hearing your revelations is what I think we all believe is the hope for doing a trip like this. Just a quick aside....Was the destroying of the metal bed mission work or something a little less community building oriented?

JulieSB said...

I think Connie puts forth a valid question regarding the bed!

Yes, I HAVE communicated with Paula. She called here today for you, forgetting that you were gone.

Both you and Lily need to shake hands with the fact that I am raiding your dressers for clothing in your absence.

I'm glad Lily's cactus injury is fine. Remember those dang cacti at Neto's el rancho?

If your vegetable garden experience is ANYTHING like our raingarden experience, um, Leon beware.

You all are da bomb. xoxoxox

JulieSB said...

Caroline and Lily....Here's a link to Elena's dad's obituary.

Youth Blog Entry said...

The bed destruction was done to help borderlinks out.

Mom, text Leon and remind him not to forget about me/ to read the blog.

JulieSB said...

Leon and I had a nice text-chat today, Caroline. Computer is here!!! Nothing from UIowa.

Youth Blog Entry said...

Well did you tell him to write to me on the blog???! I miss him.

I can't wait to get my computer! You should maybe call U Iowa and figure out when we need to leave. 27th or 28th. I'm shooting for morning of the 28th. But I am not sure what time check in is.

JulieSB said...

Oh, and Gramma's insurance is paying for the car, you lucky duck. I'll text Leon now about writing.

How's my LilyBelle?

Leon Lockhart said...

Hey babe, i cant wait to start the garden, yeah we need to really start brain storming for that. My grad party went well a lot of people showed up, the food was really good and we still have a lot of food left. i miss you to, im counting the days until you get back.

Youth Blog Entry said...

Leon: I am counting down the days til I get home too! My laptop arrived, so we can play around with that too. Do you know if you are going to come to the airport and get me??
I'm so so so so so glad to hear that your grad party went well, babe. I can't wait to hear about all the fun things that you are doing without me. I hope that you aren't having too much fun without me though. I loooovee you so much. See you soon! Write back! I love hearing from you.

Mom: I am so freaking glad that gramma's insurance is covering the car. That is a huge weight off my shoulders.