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Sunday, June 20, 2010

Finally here

Well! We're finally here! It took a lot of travel time, but wow... we're actually here and anxious to get started. We've done a lot of learning so far. There's so much more to the topic of immigration than i had considered in the past. We've learned a lot and now it's time to go see it for ourselves.
I'm excited to go out and start filling water tanks tomorrow.
It's odd here; i can't tell if the time is going by fast or slow. We live in moments, to say the least.
And THE HEAT!! it get's to some people but not to others. I've never been very good with the heat but am holding up surprisingly well. I guess it's the humidity that bothers me. When i first stepped outside into full sun, i stood there for a moment. More than anything, the heat here reminds me of Nebraska. It feels home-ish and comforting. If i close my eyes i can imagine that i am in Uehling, and look up into the same stretching blue sky. It's amazing here. I'll just keep drinking water :)
I'm really excited to be getting to know new people here and make new friends. I feel sort of like we're a family in cousins and brothers and sisters and parents and all that jazz. It's so cool getting to connect more.
I can tell that this is going to be an amazing trip. There are some really incredible things going on here, i can tell; in the work, in the community, in everything.

signing off, love to all,
Sari :)


x said...

The pictures tell the story almost as much as your journaling. Big hugs for Sari!!

Ray Olson said...

I'm glad that you are having a good learning experience and are able to survive the heat. We'll say prayers for you...and the whole group.
love, dad

tonkyMm said...

Please write more stories of your impressions...