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Thursday, June 24, 2010

Where do I begin?

Today was incredible. Hands down best day of the trip.

This whole week has been an educational experience, that hit me. But I don't think everything really sunck in until today when we went to Nogales, Mexico. Ever since we got home from Mexico I have been in tears because it is my way of processing this whole thing. Being white in Mexico felt AWFUL. It felt like I was flaunting all the privilages that I had that they didn't just because I was white. Seeing how constricting the wall was- tragic. Seeing the police with loaded rifles and bullet proof body gear on, up to their faces masks- unbelievable. Seeing the poverty- horendous. But what really hit me was when we were on our way home and we had to stop at a checkpoint. The guard asked Lee "are you an all american citizen?" He responded yes, and we drove away. That was when the race line really became apparent. When the privilages that white people have over Mexicans was really clear. Marsha didn't even need a passport to get in and out of Mexico for gods sake. Why? Because she was white. It makes me feel awful to feel white. But after many tears, talking to Maddie, Marge, and Susanne what I decided is that this WILL be my future. And I WILL use all my power as a white woman to help these migrants. How? I don't know. But Marge assured me that the perfect job will find me, and Maddie and Susanne assured me that I will be successful in whatever I do. Maddie told me that her mom told her long ago that the key to success is "empathy" and that I have an unbelievable amount of empathy. That made me feel good, and assured me that I will be successful in solving the immigration policy, and reforming the system. I am so incredibly thankful for ALLLLLLL the support the youth group and it's adults have given me. I couldn't get through this heart wrenching experience without them all.

Yes, Maddie fainted. I used my spanish to get water from the store accross the street. All the adults and Mexican people were by her side in less than two seconds to help her. The care she got from the Mexican people was outstanding. They had NO obligation to treat us with such respect and be so helpful to us. Yet, they are our brothers and sisters, they are no different from us no matter their skin color, and I can't say this for all americans but I would run and be by their sides in a heartbeat had this happened to them. I am so thankful for them all.

That is all for now. Thanks for reading this all. We have an exciting day tomorrow. Love and miss you all!



Leon Boy Lockhart said...

Seems like you've finally viewed the racism of latin america and the value they place on white skin. I think you should look into reading some Che Guevara, he has some intresting stories to tell about his travels through Latin America and parts of Africa. These travels can give you a true perspective on poverty throughout the world and within your own community.

JulieSB said...

I don't know what to say. You're very brave. I hope Maddie has recovered. Norm was right. No photos can express all this.

JulieSB said...

After reading Maddie's post, I know what to say. I'm glad I have a Caroline.

Unknown said...

You have found your voice Caroline! Don't feel guilty about being white, which is an accident of birth. Rather channel that energy into treating others with compassion and work for peaceful change. You kids have much to offer the citizens of Nogales, white and Hispanic. I'm thrilled for you!

Tanya - Madgirl's Mom said...

Caroline - a special thanks for being by Maddie's side and for sharing with her your thoughts and struggles processing all you are experiencing. You will make a difference in people's lives - today and in the future and you have all of us behind you.