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Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Wow, all I can say is WOW.

This is Lily, and today was a really intense day, a lot going on. This morning, who speakers came in, and we learned about the process immigrants go through when they are discovered and what not, and we also heard from a teacher at the Cesar Chavez School, which teaches a lot of immigrant children and quite a few undocumented, and she shared a few stories, and I thought it was really interesting. With her she had brought a 13 year-old student, and she spoke to us about how her father was deported and what that entailed and that was one of the times it kind of became real, because you don't really think it actually happens until you meet someone who's family has been through that hardship and stuggle.

Then this afternoon, we went into Nogales, Mexico and it was a whole different experience. We saw all the artwork on the border and what it is really like there. The shocking thing was that the wall went right through who towns, and it's like, you could see yur neighbor one day, and the next, you have to cross borders to even say hello. We had some mishaps today, which I'm sure Maddie Schafer will tell you about, because I think she is going to blog next, but all I want to say, is that people there, although they have been through all this crap, are the most kind, courteous people, and they did things that I'm sure that if it happened here, people would DRIVE BY and not do ANYTHING about it.

One last thing, the way Border Patrol treats people, based on their skin color, it was just freaking ATTROCIOUS. I was indefinitely shocked by how prejuduced people can be, and seeing this first hand, I got a whole new outlook on this, and overall, I am really glad I got to experience this today.

I am really enjoying this whole experience, and I am glad I came. No rattlesnakes yet...
Love all of you back in Minnesota.
Lily Brown

1 comment:

JulieSB said...

What you guys have seen today is big. It's big for adults, let alone teens. You have lots to think about....and pray about. Only God can help you see through this very human experience. You have made us all very proud for the love, empathy and caring you've given one another. xoxoxox