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Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Lots to think about...

Hey eveyone, this is my first post from Missouri, and i still haven't quite wrapped my head around eveyhting that's been going on down here.
But one thing i am sure of: i am thinking more about my religion on this trip than i have in years.
In Arizona, i thought aout human rights and the hate people hold against oneanother.
In Denver, i thought about class, poverty, and family.
And here, i am thinking a lot about my religion.

The beleifs down here are quite different from what i'm used to in Macply, but I can now see that that is a great gift, since it is forcing me to make up my own mind about wat i beleive, rather than just go along with what i have been taught and what i have been surrounded by.

Watching teh Christian Rock band each evening is really inspiring to me. Each member of the band is in a sort of religious trance. They seem so at peace, so hypnotized by the love they have for their savior. And though i don't agree with everthing they are telling us, I can only watch in wonder and envy their conviction, and their strong connection with God. I thank them for showing me something very beautiful.

I still don't quite know where i stand in my beleifs, but this trip has made me realize that, despite that, and my overall confusion and questioning, I already have some very deep ROOTS in what i beleive (not yet a plant, just roots). And it was a surprise to me when i suddenly realized they were there. And i felt proud to stand in the face of assumed agreement, knowing that i KNEW i beleived differently.
So, again, i thank this church for their difference in beleifs, as it has allowed me to thoroughly consider and cultivate my own.

SOOOOO, Joplin.
Joplin is a werk, in some places. it's sad to see such heavy destruction, but i am afraid to say i can't put much of a face to it.
We me the man whose house we are working on, Rick, his children, and the neighbor lady who lets us use her bathroom, but that's about it for people i have met / SEEN from Joplin.

I imagine there is a large population because there are a ton of cars (SUVs) and a never-ending strip mall of block buildings and vacant parking lots. The power lines stretch for miles and miles, and it takes mile and miles to get anywhere around here.
It makes m feel isolated that i haven't really seen anyone outside, haven't seen anyone interacting. they're all in their cars, our air-conditioned houses, or massive shopping centers. So in that way, i feel like i really haven't gotten to know the people of Joplin, and have started to subcontiously assume they're all like Rick. lol

But it does make me sad and frustrated.
For now, i will make connections with Rick and his family, continue learning how to use a hammer, and hope that maybe our presence will make Joplin seem not so very much like a ghost town or deserted mall. Maybe people will not forget about all that we can be as a community, maybe they will come together.

All my best,

PS -- Tomorrow i will talk about how THE ENVIROMENT, and how this trip has made me super thankful for Ms. Houdek and my ap Environmental Sciences class.
SO check in, cuz tere's a lot to learn!!!

PPS -- Mom, please save the coconut juice for when i get back. I would really love one of those right now.

Off to showers!!


roberta sarimom said...

Wow--lots goin on for you to wrap your head around. When you come home I would like to hear more about the religion piece--how you and the Missourians are similar and where you differ. We're saving those cocanut juice & jellies. : )

Ray Olson said...

We saved the coconut juice -- mostly and are looking forward to seeing you all home safe. I am anxious to hear about your observations on the environment and what you learned from Mrs. Houdek. As you all probably know we had a rain disaster in Duluth Wednesday, early morning. Volunteers are being asked to come and help with clean up this weekend. Many public streets and bridges are washed out. 500 year flood they say.The Governor is asking for a disaster declaration. These super storms seem to be happening regularly. Political action is also necessary to change the course of things. Thank you for all your hard work in Joplin. Glad you are having some fun water fights.

Love, Dad (Ray)
P.S. Duensing is starting Saturday in Cincy. He will have to bat.