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Sunday, June 17, 2012

Hi!!! It's Dani (Daniela)!!!!!!!!!!!!!

1st of all HAPPY FATHER'S DAYY and happy birthday John. 2nd of all Tom we'll miss you but we really hope you get better!!! Hannah B wants me to tell everyone that her feet smell like watermelon. Wiffle-ball has become our churches team pass-time. It is really hot down here and people have a funny accent. The staff have been saying  that we are so polite because we say thank you a lot. The car ride was crazy long but it was really cool to bond with the people in my car because I didn't have any direct friends in my van. Rules here are all sort of like this: Ladies first with getting food dudes first for showers. Also Ladies are red and Dudes are blue. Nobody likes purple here... (I like purple but I understand the message) We played truth or dare as an ice breaker and Jimmy M. was dared to do 20 push-ups. He did them really impressively and looked like a boss..... but somehow the push-ups had given him a gusher of a nose bleed. It was one of those moments that were hilarious but made you feel bad when you did laugh. Most of the time down here you are sweaty but it is fun nun-the-less (sp?) and while driving we passed a Fortune tellers place with tarot cards and crystal balls :). I learned from a local pedestrian how to achieve the correct form of "the nod" and also the "sup" so ya know... learning something new every day. I'll probably check in later too but I want to go sleep so SEE YOU GUYS IN A WEEK!!!!!!!

Good day.     I SAID GOOD DAY SIR,

Sincerely Daniela Tiedemann :)))))))

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