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Monday, June 20, 2011

Expired salsa, anyone?

Hello Everyone!

Well after exploring the beautiful mountains of Colorado on Sunday, today we started the mission. My group along with Maddie Schafer's group went to Food Bank of the Rockies. The Food Bank serves hundreds of organizations across northern Colorado and all of Wyoming. The food bank is housed in this MASSIVE warehouse, and I mean massive. The food bank takes indiviual donations along with massive donations from their many cooperate and non profit organizations.

As I was sorting the individual donations, I came across all these bottles of expired salsa. That is when it hit me that we are feeding our hungry anything and mosty everything. Now of course I realize that anyone who is hungry will eat whatever they are given, but that does not mean that they should not be denied the food that I get to eat. I love to eat my organic veggies from Whole Foods and it bothers me so much that not everyone has the chance to eat healthy, wholesome food. We are facing a massive obesity epidemic in the United States and it is not going to get any better if we keep continuning to feed out hungry the leftovers. So my mid year resolution is to stop giving the food shelf the beans from the back of the cabinet and give them wholesome food that I would freely chose to eat.



tashi-anna said...

Hi Clara!
Thank you for your beautiful post.
This post reminds me of many of my students in summer school.
This is a typical conversation:
Me: Good afternoon how was lunch?
Students: Good! But we didn't eat the food because we are going to go home and eat noddles!
Me: What kind of noddles?
Students: The ones in the microwave, chicken flavored!
Or hot pockets and hot cheetos!
Keep up the good work!

tashi-anna said...

p.s. This is Natasha by the way. I am writing on the account that Anna and I created for mission trip 07 aka when we started the blog