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Thursday, June 20, 2013

The work continues, 7 1/4 inches at a time.

I remember coming here in the summer of 2007. It was about 22 months after the Storm, and it was still a raw disaster area. Refuse was piled on the streets, no street signs made getting to work sites very challenging, and we were still doing demolition work. The work was disorganized and the neighborhoods had very little life in them except for some FEMA trailers.

Six years have gone by. Thousands of families have come back home. There have been millions of hours of volunteer time and billions of dollars invested since Mac-Plymouth first came here.

With still so much to be done.

This week we were told that the city of New Orleans still has 35,000 abandoned properties. Where the B-plusses are working in Lower Nine there are three vacant lots to the south, another next door the other way and another across the street. Just three little concrete remain. Some lots are overgrown with weeds, with no one claiming title to the property.

Where we working in the back bedroom of Miss Carlmelita's house in Lower Nine,  the laminate flooring pieces are 47 inches long and 7 1/4 inches wide. We are not very skilled and the work does not go quickly, but when Simon installed a small strip it was the second room our little team had done, and Julia and Lian had already done maybe 30 percent of the living room.

Could not help thinking that the work goes forward 7 1/4 inches at a time. Piece by piece, in our houses and the ones other volunteers are building or renovating this week, the progress continues. Can't believe that the rebuilding has taken this long with miles further to go, but we need to be thankful for the many hands that have put the pieces together, 7 1/4 inches at a time.

Thanks for your support.



Tanya Bell said...

Amazing - thinking about y'all. You will be coming home in time for the 90's and humidity. You should be fully acclimated.

Good work can be slow - but quite meaningful.

JulieSB said...

Wonderful insights, Lee. It pays to send a newspaper editor on the trip! Thank you so much for leading our children.

Unknown said...

Lee, Maggie, Marsha, John and Tom

Thank you all, so much for leading our children.

What a life changing experience...for all of you. People are amazingly resilient and of strong faith aren't they?

And we are so fortunate.

I bet you'll return home exhausted - physically and emotionally. Big hugs waiting for you when you get here!

Drivers - Thank you for your time with our kids and adults.
Thanks for your care in bringing them safely home.
