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Thursday, January 23, 2014

Youth Happenings, Sunday, January 26th

There's a lot going on this Sunday and nothing seems to be at its regularly scheduled time, well except for some things...So, here's the breakdown of the day to help you keep things sorted out and be where you need/want to be when you need/want to be there.

9:30 Explorers at its regularly scheduled time while worship happens upstairs. 

10:30 Annual Meeting. Youth in grades 6-8 are invited to volunteer at the Children's annual meeting or attend the adult one.

11:45-12:15 Pizza in the Plymouth room

12:15 Head over to Mary's Place  

12:30-2:00 Volunteer in the Mary's Place playroom

2:30 Return to MPUC

What's this Mary's Place I speak of? Mary's Place is a transitional shelter on the outskirts of downtown Minneapolis that provides a bed, meets emergency needs and offers a safe place to be a kid to the thousands of homeless men, women, and children that come through its doors each year. Sunday, in lieu of evening fellowship, youth will be volunteering in the on-site, indoor playroom, playing with any children that may be around and in turn helping them feel free to be a carefree kid if just for an hour. We were lucky to get in on such short notice and it will be a great opportunity to both learn about and help meet the needs of the greater community. 

We'd love to have you, but if you can't make it, have no fear. There will be several other service opportunities coming up before the end of the school year. If you do plan on coming, or you are a parent who can help drive, please e-mail Sarah at letting her know you'll be there and how many youth you can take in your car. 


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