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Tuesday, January 28, 2014

Youth Happenings This Sunday...Some are Mandatory!

Hey Folks:

The next couple of Sundays are going to be a bit different.

This Sunday, Explorers will still be at 9:30. But beyond that, things are as follows:

Youth group is going to be right after church. For senior high it is a mandatory meeting for parents and youth going on the mission trip. We have two major fundraisers to tend to and the adults leading those efforts need all hands on deck at this meeting. The junior high will be with Sarah.

Because there will be a large number of people, we are not asking a family to provide lunch. Instead we will have something very (very) light to help you get through the meeting and home to a proper meal.

Confirmation will be at 1:30pm for eighth graders, they may wish to bring a lunch with them.

So, I look forward to seeing everyone Sunday and I hope you are having a good week.



Friday, January 24, 2014

Hey Mission-Trippers!

Youth, as we move into Silent Auction and Fundraising Dinner time here's an easy assignment for you. Go to this link and sign up for a part in the fundraising dinner....

You may have to do a copy and paste on that. Also mission trip participants and parents, please put February 2nd  6-7pm on your calendars for a fundraising meeting where we will be talking about both of these fundraisers.



Thursday, January 23, 2014

Youth Happenings, Sunday, January 26th

There's a lot going on this Sunday and nothing seems to be at its regularly scheduled time, well except for some things...So, here's the breakdown of the day to help you keep things sorted out and be where you need/want to be when you need/want to be there.

9:30 Explorers at its regularly scheduled time while worship happens upstairs. 

10:30 Annual Meeting. Youth in grades 6-8 are invited to volunteer at the Children's annual meeting or attend the adult one.

11:45-12:15 Pizza in the Plymouth room

12:15 Head over to Mary's Place  

12:30-2:00 Volunteer in the Mary's Place playroom

2:30 Return to MPUC

What's this Mary's Place I speak of? Mary's Place is a transitional shelter on the outskirts of downtown Minneapolis that provides a bed, meets emergency needs and offers a safe place to be a kid to the thousands of homeless men, women, and children that come through its doors each year. Sunday, in lieu of evening fellowship, youth will be volunteering in the on-site, indoor playroom, playing with any children that may be around and in turn helping them feel free to be a carefree kid if just for an hour. We were lucky to get in on such short notice and it will be a great opportunity to both learn about and help meet the needs of the greater community. 

We'd love to have you, but if you can't make it, have no fear. There will be several other service opportunities coming up before the end of the school year. If you do plan on coming, or you are a parent who can help drive, please e-mail Sarah at letting her know you'll be there and how many youth you can take in your car. 


Friday, January 17, 2014

Youth Happenings Sunday January 19, 2014

Due to the holiday weekend, there will be no youth activities (including Explorers) on Sunday.

Parents and mission trippers, please remember the fundraising meeting on Tuesday at 9am in the Plymouth room. Contact Tom with any questions.

If you'd like to reach me, my new church e-mail address is

Sarah Goodall
Youth Coordinator

Thursday, January 16, 2014

My Mistake

The meeting for the fundraiser will be Tuesday at 9, not Monday. Sorry for the confusion.

Wednesday, January 15, 2014

Rally the Troops Time

Hey Folks:

In order to make the fundraising dinner that Katie is proposing happen we are calling all youth and adults who are available 9am Tuesday for a meeting at church. Adults, if you know you CAN make it plus notify me ASAP. Youth, apparently you don't have school. Let's get this show going.



Important Mission Trip Note from Katie Sterns

Mission Trippers and Mission Trip Parents and Chaperones:

Tom and I have been working to develop a fundraising event to help offset the loss of funding from a previous grant source.  We need to raise an additional $2000.  Here is the concept (please keep in mind that this is a draft and not final!):

Mardi Gras Dinner and Jazz Fundraiser!
Help us help our Mississippi River friends in New Orleans!

Date: Thursday, February 27th, 5-7 pm

Location: church social hall

Stop by for a delicious Cajun meal and jazz! Menu will include: (ideas...tentative) gumbo, jambalaya, red beans and rice, crawfish, beignets, corn, fried okra, sweet tea

Music will be provided by local jazz bands including the Capitol Hill Big Band and (Adam's Dad's band name) Dixieland Band.

Learn about continued rebuilding and restoration projects still happening in New Orleans post Hurricane Katrina.

$15 per person
$10 under age 12
($x per ticket is tax deductible)


Youth and church members will presell tickets to this event. Each youth needs to sell 15 tickets.
If 22 youth sell 15 tickets that is 330 tickets at an average of $13. This will gross $4,290 less costs (still needs to be priced out but will include: food costs, marketing costs, band stipend.)

Next steps:

Leadership Team: We need to convene a group of student leaders and adults to accomplish this effort as soon as possible. Here are the subcommittees/teams we will need:

· Food Planning and Execution (determining menu, pricing suppliers, cook or cater, defining tasks and assigning workers, prep, food line, clean up, etc.)
· Ticket sales (determine ticket sales strategy, train youth and track sales)
· Graphics, Communications and Marketing (ticket and posters design/printing, social media, community calendars, media releases, etc.)
· Dining Service and Hospitality (defining tasks and assigning workers, set up, service, transporting seniors from local senior facilities, etc.)

Please respond back to me asap if you are willing to jump on board with this FUN AND FABULOUS event! If you’ve never worked with me you find that I am intense, creative and love to laugh! If that doesn’t scare you then please consider helping! We really need to divide and conquer so PLEASE see what you can do. I will do the overall management in coordination with a youth leader. We need one adult and one youth leader for the other areas.

Please respond if you can meet Monday or Tuesday of next week during the day preferably to begin work.  (No SPPS Public School on Tuesday).


Katie Sterns

Thursday, January 9, 2014

Youth Happenings Sunday January 13

Hey All, here's what's up:

9:00-9:30am Early Worship
9:30-10:30am Explorers
10:45am Late Worship

3:30-4:45pm Confirmation

5:00-7:00pm Youth Group: Junior High will be with Sarah; Senior will be having a mission trip meeting, required for youth. Not a parent meeting.

The following Sunday, January 20 there are no youth activities because of the holiday weekend.

I look forward to seeing you this Sunday though!



Saturday, January 4, 2014

Change to Sunday's Schedule

Hey Folks:

Because of the temperatures we are expecting to roll in tomorrow evening, youth group is cancelled. We will still have Explorers at 9:30am and Confirmation at 3:30pm.

Also, remember to come support Claire Romey as speaks at the adult forum if you are a senior high person.



Friday, January 3, 2014

Sunday January 5, 2014

Happy New Year everyone, here's the deal for this Sunday:

9:00-9:30am    Early Worship
9:30-10:30am  Explorers
9:30-10:30am  Adult Forum: Senior High-ers...Come hear Peacemaking Award winner and youth group                               alumnus Claire Romey talk about her trip to Costa Rica.
10:45-11:45am Late Worship

3:30pm-4:45pm Confirmation

5:00-7:00pm Youth Group

I'm looking forward to seeing everyone Sunday!

