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Subscribe to Macalester-Plymouth Youth Mission News by Email

Friday, September 16, 2016

YouthNews 9/18/16

This Sunday, 9/18


8th-12th graders - Adult Forum 
Plymouth Room, 11:15am-12:00pm
Jeff Broberg will speak on water quality and why it matters for our lives and for our world.

6th-7th graders -  Explorers 
Joyful Noise Room, 11:15am-12:00pm
An opportunity to have deep conversations about what the Bible is and what it means to us. This class is designed to prepare early junior high students for Confirmation later on. Teachers are Becky Rice and Lynda Withbroe. It's sure to be a fun and engaging time, don't miss it!


All Youth - Youth Fellowship
Merriam-Lexington Social Hall, 5-7pm
We'll begin with dinner, enjoy a scavenger hunt around Macalester's campus, and finish up at Dairy Queen, 143 N Snelling Ave. Bring $5 for ice cream and pick up your youth from Dairy Queen at 7 pm. If your youth walks or drives him/herself, we'll also have a group walking back to the church together.

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