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Wednesday, June 15, 2016

Lah Tere

Hi everybody!

Today we had an inspirational speaker come speak to us about her life and past. I cannot explain the emotions and feelings I experienced when she came to speak. Lah Tere moved to New York when she was 19 and could no longer afford college because her dad was withdrawing money in order to buy drugs. She performed 2 raps for us that were absolutely encouraging and astonishing. 

"You are, you are, you are who you've been waiting for."

This is a section from Lah Tere's rap "You are." When Lah Tere performed this in front of is, she had all of us rap and repeat the phrase. When I was saying this, I felt very strong and empowered. It made me feel confortable being myself and living with my mistakes and choices I have made through my life.

With Love,
Emma Manderfield


Anne Bushnell said...

You are!

Maggie P. said...

What a great feeling, really hope that it stays with you for a long time to come!

Unknown said...

I think I despise Sanders more than I do Trump. There was no excuse whatsoever for him to ever run for president. So obviously he was a tool. So are his idiot diehard supporters.
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