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Monday, January 11, 2016

Fund Raising - Looking Ahead to the Spring

We have had 4 very successful Scone Sundays, earning a total of more than $1400 so far. Continuing in the spring, we will again provide scones for the Annual Meeting on January 24th (As with last year, they will be free with a good will basket on the table for donations.)  We will continue then with sales of scones and coffee on March 13, April 10th and May 8th.
 Also we will kick off our biggest fund raiser, the silent auction. An informational meeting on this, as well as the mission trip in general will be held at youth fellowship on January 24th. (Mandatory meeting.)  We will accept auction items from then until February 14th. Bidding will take place February 21, 28, March 6, and ending on March 13th.
As a reminder, to receive full credit for participation in fund raising, all youth must help with 2 scone bakes/sales, each must submit at least one personal auction item and assist at least one day with the silent auction bidding. (Additionally each youth must participate in one “other” activity. There have been a few of these and hopefully there will be more this spring. They are announced via the blog and youth facebook page.)
NOTE:  I need to get youth to bake and distribute scones for the annual meeting - we will need 5 youth to help bake from 8:30 - 10:30 and then 2 or 3 to help setup and clean up at the annual meeting (probably 10:30 - 12:30). If you have not already participated in a bake or sales, please consider this date. Please let me know at the email below!

I will have signup for the rest of the scone bakes and silent auction activities at the meeting on the 24th. 

Thanks for your participation in past and future events. If you have any questions, please contact me, Norm T. at

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