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Sunday, May 10, 2015

Almost Final Paperwork

Folks -
At church this morning, I distributed some and will tomorrow mail out the rest of the "almost final" set of paperwork for the mission trip. There are a set of forms to be filled out - yes another set, beyond what was distributed at the overnight. (If you weren't at the overnight, there will be more than 1 set of forms.) Unfortunately, we are working with 2 different relief agencies, and both require a different set of release and medical forms. Both also have additional forms if the youth is under 16.  Sorry.
Also included is the mission trip accounting statements for everyone. Basic price is the same as the past 2 years ($225). There is a summary accounting of the trip included.
Please let me know if you have any questions.
Norm Tiedemann

1 comment:

JulieSB said...

Thanks, Norm. A couple of questions:

1) Do I HAVE to know my blood type? Is that a deal-breaker?

2) Do I HAVE to know when my last tetanus was? Again -- a deal-breaker?

3) Should I list you as my team leader?

4) What dates should I list for departure and return on the A Future with Hope form?

5) So I should send Simon for the additional forms? Unfortunately we won't be there for senior Sunday. Who should he ask at the office if he comes after school this week?