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Wednesday, May 20, 2015

The Packing List for New Jersey

  • Good Quality Work Shoes, ankle support with Tough Toes.  Imagine having a big brick fall on your toes, that will be your guide
  • Work gloves (not garden gloves)
  • Heavy full length pants for work sites, 2 pair
  •  Long sleeve work shirt
  • Nice-ish casual outfit
  • Jacket
  • Swimwear
  • Towel
  • Shower shoes (if you have them)
  • Sunglasses
  • Flashlight
  • Hat for sun protection (not just style)
  • Sunscreen
  • Insect repellent
  • Personal stuff: toothbrush, etc.
  • Sleeping bag or Bedding (Must be extra long sheets)
  • Pillow
  • Water Bottle (32 oz Nalgene or equivalent)
  • Games
  • One mix CD –  music selected to reflect our destination and the work we are doing
  • Movie on DVD

Twitter Instructions: So cool it'll be like 2010

In addition to the Blog, which will be regularly updated, we will provide updates throughout the week on Twitter.

It is a social media "microblog" site that is basically a blast text message, with the ability to attach pictures. People "follow" Twitter contributors, sort of like subscribing. Twitter is far easier to use on the road in a bus than it is to start a blog post, so communications from the road will likely be more frequent on Twitter.

To follow the MPUC Youth and you are already on Twitter, just follow @MPUCYouth.

If you are on Twitter, just follow @MPUCYouth.

If you are not, it is a free application just available over the web. Sign up, get an account, and then ignore Twitter's recommendation on who to follow and just follow @MPUCYouth. You can do a quick search and it will pop up. The image is a caricature of the Glee cast.

This is a So-Called Private Account, and the Administrator (Lee S.) will have to approve you before you can start getting Tweets. This will be open to the church members, but not the Whole Public.

It should be fun, but it is certainly not obligatory and the blog will be updated regularly.

Forms Update


Greetings from the Committee! We have compiled and sorted the forms, and the following people have turned in all their forms:


Tom E.
Lee S.
Anne B
John S.
Nicole C.


Avery K.
Ryan P.
Daniela T.
Grace T.
Benjamin B.

That means we are still missing forms, at least one, from the rest of you. Please do your best to get them into the office, in the box for Tom Ewald, or mail.  We can’t still be doing this the night of the picnic, because the forms need to be in the offices in New Jersey well before the picnic.  

Lee, Erica and Avery

Mission Trip Commissioning June 7th

Mission trip youth and adults:

The commissioning service is an important part of giving thanks to the congregation for their support and to acknowledge the nature of the work we do on mission trips. Please do your best to be at the 10am service on June 7th. Spread the word.


Friday, May 15, 2015

Youth Happenings, Sunday, May 17th

Hi all,

I know we have a busy Sunday ahead of us, particularly for the soon-to-be high school graduates. Tom already left a note regarding Seniors, so I am here to remind you of the rest of the activities slated to wrap up the youth program year.

9:30am Explorers Class (Last class of the year. There will be cake!)

10:45am Worship and celebration of the senior class.

Social hour directly after the service, followed by our last junior and senior high youth gathering of the year, the end of year picnic. If you have not already signed up to bring something, please do so
here. We are looking really great on desserts, but could use salads of all varieties or sandwich fillers. We will have pulled pork as one option, but could really use a vegetarian or alternate option.

Thanks! See you Sunday!

Thursday, May 14, 2015

Senior Sunday Details for Youth

Hey Soon to Be Graduates:

We have a good group of ten of you who will be honored during the late worship service on Sunday!

A couple of details:

1. Please arrive in the Sanctuary by 10:20am at the very latest

2. Please sit together on the side of the church where the piano normally is

3. I'll have you come forward with your speakers shortly after the meditation (the shortened sermon)

4. Relax and enjoy the fact the congregation is proud of you

5. After the service, head out to the social hall for the coffee hour

Congratulations to each of you and I look forward to seeing you Sunday!

(Speakers-please check your email for some additional details.)



Sunday, May 10, 2015

Almost Final Paperwork

Folks -
At church this morning, I distributed some and will tomorrow mail out the rest of the "almost final" set of paperwork for the mission trip. There are a set of forms to be filled out - yes another set, beyond what was distributed at the overnight. (If you weren't at the overnight, there will be more than 1 set of forms.) Unfortunately, we are working with 2 different relief agencies, and both require a different set of release and medical forms. Both also have additional forms if the youth is under 16.  Sorry.
Also included is the mission trip accounting statements for everyone. Basic price is the same as the past 2 years ($225). There is a summary accounting of the trip included.
Please let me know if you have any questions.
Norm Tiedemann

Tuesday, May 5, 2015

Attention Seniors!!!

I have the following names of seniors and their speakers...

Dani T. ....Susanna Short
Maria S....Nancy Lund
Avery K...Patti Craddock

Senior Sunday is May 17 at 10:45am. Please let me know if you are attending and who will be speaking for you. Would someone get the word to Paul? Thanks


Friday, May 1, 2015

Youth Happenings, Sunday, May 3rd, 2015

Hi all,

It's a different kind of Sunday around church this week. Because we are only having one service at 10am, followed by a meeting and potluck, there will be no Explorers. We will, however still have our regular evening programming meaning:

3:30pm OWL

5:00pm Youth Group (Come ready for a Sundae Sunday complete with the making of homemade ice cream!)

See you Sunday!