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Wednesday, February 18, 2015

Silent Auction and Scone Bake this Sunday

Hello all!

We have our fifth scone bake coming up this weekend. There are a few signed up already, but we need more!! We will need three more bakers and two more sellers. Bakers need to be at church from 8:30 to 11:00 and sellers are needed from 9:30 to 12:00. 

Also, this is a reminder that youth going on the mission trip MUST donate something to the silent auction. If you need ideas, feel free to shoot me an email. These must be submitted by February 22nd, which is THIS weekend! The form is on the link on the right side of the blog page. If you can't make it to church, you can email me what you would like to donate. 

Also, for those seeking local businesses, there is an attached letter. It may be too late to do reach out to local businesses, but it is still worth a try! In a previous email there was a link sent to sign up for what local businesses you have (or intend to) contacted...or at least I believe it was sent out. No one has filled it out, so here is the link again: 

We do not want to bother businesses twice, so PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE fill this out if you have or intend to contact a local business.

If you have collected gift cards or items for a raffle basket, please bring them to church this weekend as well. We will start to put this all together.

As another reminder, each youth is required to help out with the actual silent auction. We have had a few help collect auction donations at church the past few weekends, and we will need help with bidding as well. There are a few signed up for bidding, however we will need more. Please watch for further emails regarding signing up for help with bidding.

Erica and Avery

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