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Monday, January 5, 2015

Silent Auction Preparation and Pre-Meeting

Request for Youth –
Think about what you can offer for the silent auction. Something that you think members of our church would purchase and use; A service (tutoring, babysitting, garden/yard work, cleaning, setting up something electronic, …) a Product (baked goods, dinner, …)

2 Requests for Parents -
The past few years, Laura Donovan has coordinated the silent auction and has promised to help again this year while training people to take over. Mary and I have agreed to take over coordination for this year and next, but we would like for a few other “younger” parents to be a part of this who can plan on taking it over in the future. If you are interested, or would simply like to know more about what it takes, please come to a planning meeting after the 10:45 service on January 18th.
Secondly – we are always looking for new ways to enhance the silent auction income – we added some raffle items this past year, we hope to get more gift card donations as they are an easy way for youth to add income to the auction and members to bid on something. We are open to any ideas; one that came to mind for me is offering “daily specials” (like a raffle item or having an auction item with just one day for people to bid.)  If you can think of anything we could add, please email me or reply to this blog post and we can discuss it at the meeting on the 18th.
Norm Tiedemann ( and Laura Donovan

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