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Friday, January 30, 2015

Youth Happenings, February 1, 2015

Hi all!

Here's what to expect this Sunday.

9:00am Early Worship
9:30am Explorers Class
10:45am Late Worship
12pm Chapel Choir
3:30-5:00pm Confirmation

There will be no youth group this Sunday, but it will return at its regularly scheduled time next week. If you didn't catch it on your way out the door last week, below is the awesome labyrinth the junior high knocked out last week. Just a bit of touching up, and we will be well on our way to opening up our creation to congregational use!

Thursday, January 29, 2015

Silent Auction Forms

The forms to submit an item for the silent auction, and to use to solicit gift cards from local businesses can be found at the links on the right.
They will also be available after church for the next 4 Sundays.

Saturday, January 24, 2015

Youth Happenings, Sunday, January 25, 2014

Hi all,

A lot of different things happening this Sunday.

9:30-12 Combined worship service and annual meeting
9:30 Explorers class
5-7pm Youth Group
6-7pm Mandatory mission trip meeting for all mission trip participants and their parents.

As many of you know, we have been working to create a labyrinth this year. After weeks of discussing the design and figuring out the measurements, we finally have the labyrinth drawn out and ready to paint. This Sunday, during youth group, anyone not participating in the mission trip meeting will be working on bringing the labyrinth to life. I will provide paint and some brushes, but if any of you have 1-1.5'' brushes you'd be willing to share with us (you will get them back), that would be really helpful in making sure everyone can paint at the same time (the labyrinth is plenty big to accommodate this!) Additionally, we could use empty shoe boxes (to hold brushes and paint cans during breaks, preventing drips) and any empty frosting cans, yogurt containers with lids or any other small, plastic lidded containers you'd otherwise throw out to help distribute the paint. Our goal is to complete the project in time for the Lenten season.

See you all Sunday!

Thursday, January 22, 2015

Mission Trip Update-Important!

Hi everyone!

We have our fourth scone bake approaching and we will need a few more volunteers this month because it is the annual meeting. We have enough bakers signed up, but we will need a few more volunteers to help set up everything for the annual meeting. Please let me know if you are available. You would be needed from 10:00 to 12:00 THIS Sunday, January 25th. 

We also have a fundraiser at Davanni's coming up. We will receive a percentage of the profit from anyone who purchases, with a flyer in hand. The fundraiser date is Monday, January 26th from 4:00 pm to 8:00 pm. We are asking that youth distribute 10 flyers to friends and family so this fundraiser will be successful. We are not allowed to hand out the flyers outside the door, so please advertise! Avery and I will be in contact with youth and make sure everyone has flyers to hand out.

Also, this is a reminder that we have a mandatory mission trip meeting this Sunday, January 25th at 6:00 pm. Parents and youth are expected.

Erica and Avery 

Friday, January 16, 2015

Youth Happenings, Sunday, January 18

Hi all,

We will not have youth group this week, but join us in the morning for worship and Explorers.

9am Early Worship
9:30am Explorers
10:45am Late worship

See you Sunday,

Thursday, January 15, 2015

Help Coodinate Silent Auction Meeting

Parents -
Please consider helping to coordinate part of the silent auction and coming to our kickoff meeting this coming Sunday (1/18). We will meet right after the service at 12:00 in the piano corner of the social hall. Look for Laura Donovan and me (Norm T.)

Wednesday, January 14, 2015

Welcome back and upcoming events

Hello all! I hope everyone had a nice holiday break!

We have quite a few important events coming up, so please mark them in your calendars!!

There will be a mandatory mission trip meeting at 6:00 pm on Sunday January 25th. Both parents and youth are expected at the meeting.

We also have our fourth scone bake on the morning of January 25th. If you have not participated in fundraising, please sign up! You can email me if you would like a shift. We will need 5 bakers (8:30 to 10:30) and 3 sellers (9:30 to 12:00).

We have our largest fundraiser coming up, the silent auction. It is mandatory for youth to participate. We will discuss details about this at the meeting on the 25th, but come with ideas for your donations to the silent auction.

There will be a few more smaller fundraisers throughout the spring, so if you have not participated in fundraising, please be proactive about signing up.

To parents: For those interested in learning more about how the silent auction is run, or for those with new ideas for this year's silent auction, there is an informational meeting on January 18th after the 10:45 service.

Erica and Avery

Monday, January 5, 2015

Silent Auction Preparation and Pre-Meeting

Request for Youth –
Think about what you can offer for the silent auction. Something that you think members of our church would purchase and use; A service (tutoring, babysitting, garden/yard work, cleaning, setting up something electronic, …) a Product (baked goods, dinner, …)

2 Requests for Parents -
The past few years, Laura Donovan has coordinated the silent auction and has promised to help again this year while training people to take over. Mary and I have agreed to take over coordination for this year and next, but we would like for a few other “younger” parents to be a part of this who can plan on taking it over in the future. If you are interested, or would simply like to know more about what it takes, please come to a planning meeting after the 10:45 service on January 18th.
Secondly – we are always looking for new ways to enhance the silent auction income – we added some raffle items this past year, we hope to get more gift card donations as they are an easy way for youth to add income to the auction and members to bid on something. We are open to any ideas; one that came to mind for me is offering “daily specials” (like a raffle item or having an auction item with just one day for people to bid.)  If you can think of anything we could add, please email me or reply to this blog post and we can discuss it at the meeting on the 18th.
Norm Tiedemann ( and Laura Donovan

Sunday, January 4, 2015

Update on Mission Trip Fund Raising

We have had 3 very successful Scone Sundays, baking and selling 25 dozen scones and selling over 10 pounds of coffee each month. Continuing in the spring, we are shifting our sales dates to avoid the holidays and will do sales on January 25th (Annual Meeting), February 22nd and March 22nd and then back to the 3rd Sunday for April 19th and May 17th.
Also we will kick off our biggest fund raiser, the silent auction. An informational meeting will be held at youth fellowship on January 25th. We will accept auction items from then until February 22nd. Bidding will take place March 1, 8, 15, and ending on March 22nd.
As a reminder, to receive full credit for participation in fund raising, all youth must help with 2 scone bakes/sales, each must submit at least one personal auction item and assist at least one day with the silent auction bidding. (Additionally each youth must participate in one “other” activity. There have been a few of these and there will be more this spring. They are announced via the blog and youth facebook page.)
Signup for the known events will be available at the meeting on the 25th. 
Thanks for your participation in past and future events. If you have any questions, please contact me, Norm Tiedemann (youth mission trip fund raising coordinator) at

Saturday, January 3, 2015

January 4th

Hi all,

Just as a reminder, there is no Explorers or youth group tomorrow, but there is still confirmation. We will be back to normal, next week, January 11th.

Hope you had an enjoyable break!
