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Sunday, September 14, 2014

Mission Poll: Immediate Attention Required

At the Fall Youth Retreat we discussed our options for the mission trip this year. The one plan that was brought to the group was to work with the Presbyterian Disaster Association in New Jersey for Superstorm Sandy Relief. A host church had been identified as has an organization that will provide work for us to do. 

See more details at

While the majority of the youth present supported the plan, several of the youth were missing and we want to give an opportunity for all to be heard. This poll will be here on the blog, on the youth Facebook page, and circulated through Ed's email list.

Please answer the following by Friday, September 19:

1. If you are planning in participating in the mission trip, do you vote in favor of the Superstorm Sandy relief trip?

2. Which week is more favorable for you: June 13-June 21 or June 20-28?

3. If you wish to participate in the mission trip but are not in favor of the Superstorm Sandy relief trip, are you willing to provide an alternative option by Friday? Helpful details would include lodging, work details, and cost.

Respond to Erica at

Thanks for you attention to this matter:

Tom, Avery, and Erica

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