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Thursday, September 25, 2014

This Weekend and a Couple of Mark Your Calendar Events

Hey Folks:

This Sunday we have...

9:30-10:30am Explorer's Class (6th-8th Grade)

5:00-7:00pm Youth Group (6th-12th Grade)

8th Graders....A letter should be on its way to your house giving details about this year's confirmation program. Contact me if you haven't received anything by next week.

2015 Mission Trip....We are going to New Jersey to help with Superstorm Sandy Relief June 13-21st. If this sounds like your kind of thing, there is a parent and youth mission trip meeting at 7pm October 5 (after youth group). Should be a 30-45 minute meeting.



Thursday, September 18, 2014

This Sunday... Big Stuff

Hey Folks:

Here's the schedule....

9:15am people who went on the 2014 mission trip meet in the sanctuary to prep for the 9:30am adult forum

9:30am Explorer's Class for grades 6-8

9:30am 2014 Mission Trippers lead Adult Forum

10:15am 2014 Mission Trippers meet in Sanctuary to prep for the Mission Trip Service. If you did not submit something for the booklet there is still a part for you.

5:00-7:00pm Youth Group for Junior and Senior High

We look forward to seeing everyone at something on Sunday!


Sunday, September 14, 2014

Mission Poll: Immediate Attention Required

At the Fall Youth Retreat we discussed our options for the mission trip this year. The one plan that was brought to the group was to work with the Presbyterian Disaster Association in New Jersey for Superstorm Sandy Relief. A host church had been identified as has an organization that will provide work for us to do. 

See more details at

While the majority of the youth present supported the plan, several of the youth were missing and we want to give an opportunity for all to be heard. This poll will be here on the blog, on the youth Facebook page, and circulated through Ed's email list.

Please answer the following by Friday, September 19:

1. If you are planning in participating in the mission trip, do you vote in favor of the Superstorm Sandy relief trip?

2. Which week is more favorable for you: June 13-June 21 or June 20-28?

3. If you wish to participate in the mission trip but are not in favor of the Superstorm Sandy relief trip, are you willing to provide an alternative option by Friday? Helpful details would include lodging, work details, and cost.

Respond to Erica at

Thanks for you attention to this matter:

Tom, Avery, and Erica

On time arrival from the fall retreat

We are on the way back to St. Paul and expect to arrive between 11:45 and noon at the church. Good weather, good community, good weekend. 

Thursday, September 11, 2014

Youth Events This Weekend

Hi All:

This weekend, because of the youth retreat there will be no Explorers Class or Youth Group.

Next Weekend: Mission Trip Worship Service at 10:45am! We are also leading the adult forum at 9:30am. By the end of this weekend you will have your part for the service. If you are not coming on the retreat, contact me so that we can make sure your voice is heard in the service.



Wednesday, September 10, 2014

Retreat Update

Hey All:

The mission trip is right around the corner...

1. Bus boards at 5:30, not 5:00. That was my mistake, sorry. Remember to eat dinner before heading over.

2. Forms and packing list are available on the MPUC website.

And, very important...

Please email me if you are attending and haven't submitted forms or otherwise notified me...we need a head count

My email is:

While on the retreat youth can be reached on my cellphone # which is 612-716-3150.

Looking forward to a great weekend!



Thursday, September 4, 2014

Rally Sunday!

Some reminders for this coming Sunday (the 7th):

There will be Explorers at 9:30am for 6-8th graders

Youth Choir is on hold until October after the new music director is in place.

Youth Group (6th-12th grade) meets 5-7pm

Forms for the Fall Retreat  (September 12-14) will be available Sunday Morning. Please bring them to youth group along with payment (cost is $125.00). Ed has also sent form to folks for whom he has an email address. If you did not receive one and would like to have one emailed to you, email me at

Good news! We have a full adult team for the retreat. Thank you to all who volunteered.

We look forward to seeing everyone on Sunday!
