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Wednesday, May 28, 2014

Mission Trip...Details Emerging

Hey Folks,

Here is the latest on the picnic, commissioning service, and departure.

Saturday May 31, 2014 at 12:00pm

From Maddy Frawley, co-chair of the committee...

For the picnic (this saturday at 12) my family is providing the main dish. If everyone else could bring a salad or other side dish or dessert that would be great. Last year we did't have very much food so make sure you bring enough to feed a lot of people and make sure you all bring something! Thanks! 


Sunday June 1, 2014

 1. At 9:30am worship we will have the Mission Trip Commissioning. It would be good to have all of the youth and adults there. Maddy and Julia will you put this on Facebook? I'll get it on the blog along with a reminder about the picnic.

2. After the service we will be selling the remaining coffee and tea and greeting folks. All hands on deck!

Saturday June 7

1. Because of the Macalester College reunion, the bus will be boarding at St. Kate's for a 1:00pm departure. Get there starting at 12:30pm so we can load up for a timely exit. Once St. Kate's determines where they want us, I'll post the information.



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