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Friday, February 28, 2014

Youth Happenings Sunday March 2, 2014

Hey Folks:

Not a lot happening on the youth front this Sunday because of the All Church Retreat.

There is youth choir at 9:00am and chapel choir at 9:30am.

There is no 9:00am worship service, no Explorers class, confirmation or youth group.

Confirmation students...come to Ash Wednesday service at 7:00pm this Wednesday. We will then meet very briefly afterwards as a class and hopefully have you on the road by 8:00pm.

A big thank you to everyone who worked so hard on the Mardi Gras dinner last night. It was a success and that was due to all of the adult and youth who planned and worked it. I've already received an email asking me to pass on a good review to all of you.

Let's see if we can do the same with the silent auction!

Thank you to congregation members who supported the effort by attending, promoting, and bringing friends. We saw a lot of new faces and have a couple of youth who do not attend MPUC express an interest in joining the trip next year.



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