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Thursday, December 12, 2013

It's Beginning to Look A Lot Like Christmas

Hey Folks:

Here's the run down:

9:30am Adult Ed on Forgiveness
9:30am Explorers
10:45am Worship (Christmas Pageant)

12:30pm Roger Barr Christmas Story Reading

3:30pm Confirmation

5:00-7:00pm The Annual Youth Christmas Party

What'll it be? A potluck, a white elephant thing, games, present wrapping for the Aliveness Project, music...

What should you bring?

1. A mixed CD you create (and put your name on) to exchange with others as a way of letting people know the real (musical) you.

2. A white elephant gift. Something you don't use anymore but that some else may like. Wrap it!

3. Food. So far here is what has been assigned or volunteered:

Devon-a main dish
Sam-homemade pop
Kat-cupcakes or other desert
Dan: tater tot hot dish
Sophia-mac and cheese
Rosalie-non-homemade pop
Emma-fruit salad

Not bad so far. If you don't see your name (which is many of you), bring something you see lacking.

It is going to be a great time, can't wait to see you all!



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