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Thursday, April 11, 2013

This Weekend-Big Stuff Happening

This Weekend...
Breadbake Overnight and Sale 6:00pm to Sunday 12:00pm
This is a mandatory activity for mission trip participants but open to those in senior high who may not be going on the mission trip but would like to be a part of this event. We will be baking, watching movies, talking about the mission trip, sleeping ultimately, and then waking up to raise some money at the late service.

Bring: a snack to share, sleeping bag and pillow, toiletries, a change of clothes, and a movie.

Early Service 9:00am

Youth Choir Rehearsal 9:00am
Chapel Choir Rehearsal 9:30am

Explorers 9:30am
Adult Ed 9:30am
Late Service 10:45am
Youth Group 5-7pm Junior High Only

For folks 18-25...

Consider applying for the MPUC Peacemaking award. We offer between $500 and $1000 to support an 18 – 25 year old MPUC member in a service learning experience.  Go to and select the Peacemaking Award link (under Faith and Action).  To get started, contact Tom Ewald at or Deadline is April 30. Hurry call Tom.

1 comment: said...

Note to all--this award is an opportunity to continue some of the mission activities done in/with our church. Take a look--not too hard to get this, and can support a wide variety of volunteer projects.