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Monday, February 13, 2017

Silent Auction Business List

Folks -
For the silent auction, one of the best ways to get businesses involved and provide a wonderful selection of local options for church members to bid on is to solicit business for gift cards and/or services/products.

In order to not approach businesses multiple times, Katie Sterns put together a quick google doc for you to log your activities in.  Please fill out this form as you solicit businesses, so others know what have already been approached.

Business Contact List 

Norm T.

Friday, January 27, 2017

This Sunday, 1/29

Everyone - Annual Meeting
Merriam Lexington Social Hall
After church on Sunday, all are invited to the Annual Meeting, where we'll be making decisions about budget, new Elders and Deacons, and the Sanctuary Movement.

Youth Fellowship - 6th-12th grade
Come to discuss Inside Out and be in community! Note: our location is different this week because of a funeral reception. Meet in the Plymouth Room and enter through the west doors near the preschool.

Save the Date
February 5 - No program, Super Bowl
February 12 - Mission Trip Info Session
February 19 - No program, All Church Retreat
February 26 - Youth Fellowship

Wednesday, January 18, 2017

This Sunday, 1/22

6th-7th graders - Explorers
Library, 11:15am-12:00pm

8th-9th graders - Confirmation
Good News Room, 11:15am-1:00pm
The Ancient World Before Jesus
This week we'll discuss creation myths, watch some Prince of Egypt, and learn about the Roman Empire.

All Youth - Youth Fellowship
Merriam-Lexington Social Hall
Movie night: Inside Out!

Thursday, January 12, 2017

Weekend Schedule 1/15-16


No Explorers

No Confirmation



No Youth Fellowship


Service Project, 8:15-11:30am
Meet in the Social Hall at 8:15 to carpool over.
We will be volunteering at The Food Group, and here's some more information from them:
  • You will be packing food in the warehouse. This may be repackaging bulk product into consumer size bags, sorting donations or packing for our Fare for All sites. The details of your project will be explained on the day of your event.
  • If you show any signs of cold, flu or sickness please abstain from this event.
  •  Everyone must wear closed-toe shoes, and we recommend wearing something comfortable as we pack and sort food in a warehouse setting. It may be cool in the warehouse, so wearing layers is recommended.

Wednesday, January 4, 2017

Sunday, 1/8 Schedule


6th-7th graders - Explorers
Library, 11:15am-12:00pm
Becky Rice will be continuing as a teacher this winter-spring, and Kristie Ellickson is joining the team as well! Come for a fun morning of learning about the Bible.

8th-9th graders - Confirmation
Good News Room, 11:15am-1:00pm
Adam and Corinne will co-teach this introductory session where we'll talk about who we are, why Christianity matters, and what's ahead in confirmation.

5th-6th grade parents - OWL Drop-In Info Session
Joyful Noise Room, 11:15am-12:00pm
The 5th-6th grade OWL teachers will be available for questions. Come to sign up!

All Youth - Youth Fellowship
Merriam-Lexington Social Hall
To celebrate the new year and the season of Epiphany, we'll be having a star gifts ritual. Bring your best story about a great (or terrible) gift you've given or received.