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Tuesday, December 1, 2015

December Programs

I hope everyone had a wonderful Thanksgiving! I can hardly believe it, but the next two Sundays are the last two youth programs of the calendar year. I have so loved getting to know the youth this fall. They are each amazing in their own ways and great together as a group.

Sunday, December 6 there will be scone sales (we need more bakers and sellers) in the morning followed by all youth gathering at 12noon to help set up the Social Hall for the Carol Sing. Pizza lunch will be provided. The Senior High youth will be voting on the Mission Trip location during this time as well.

Sunday, December 13 all youth are invited to Roger Barr's reading of his new Christmas story at 4pm in the Social Hall. Afterwards, we will have a Christmas potluck party starting at 5pm including a special surprise involving cookies. Please RSVP to me if you are coming.

See below for more details about these programs and let me know if you have any questions.

