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Wednesday, September 30, 2015

October Schedule

We had a fun photo scavenger hunt last Sunday that had the youth running around the neighborhood taking photos of things like "something sticky," "something dry that is usually wet," and "something you all have in common."  Below is the schedule of youth fellowship programs for October.  Please not the special information about the Youth Sunday on Oct. 11.


Oct. 4   FELLOWSHIP AT MPUC             5PM-7PM
              Dinner followed by program

Oct. 11    YOUTH SUNDAY                          9:30AM-12PM                9:30am Congregational Form on Future Mission Trip Ideas                10:15am  Worship rehearsal in Sanctuary for all youth                10:45am  Worship led by youth  

Oct. 18  NO PROGRAM MEA/Convention WEEKEND

Oct. 25   FELLOWSHIP AT MPUC             5PM-7PM               Dinner followed by program

Thursday, September 24, 2015

Retreat and This Sunday, September 27

Thank you again to everyone who helped make last weekend's retreat a success.  Koinonia was beautiful and I was inspired by all of the good energy in the group.  A special thanks to all of the parents who drove the youth to and from the retr.  Here are a couple of pictures from the retreat.  Can you guess the activity we were doing?  A personal highlight for me was being indoctrinated into Christians and Romans.  Since neither group won, I have yet to taste the thrill of victory, but got a sense of the possibilities for the game. A special thanks to all of the parents who drove the youth to and from the retreat and to Craig Bower and Deborah Schmedemann who lent us their minivan.

There will be a Youth Fellowship gathering this Sunday, September 27 from 5pm to 7pm at MPUC.  There will be dinner and an activity.   We will also follow up on some of the retreat work we did getting ready for the Youth Sunday, October 11.  That will be the Sunday that the youth who went on the Mission Trip will share their reflections and all of the youth (6th-12th grade) will be helping with the service.

Speaking of the Mission Trip.  There is a committee forming to work on selecting the site for the 2016 trip.  If you are interested in being on the committee, please let me know.

See you Sunday!


Tuesday, September 15, 2015

Youth Programs Begin Again

We had a great turnout for the first youth fellowship program last Sunday.  Twenty-two youth attended along with adults Sarah Goodall, Dale Thompson and Lauren Dickinson.  Thank you especially to the cooking team who prepared a wonderful BBQ meal: Karen V., Anne B., Kathy K. and Norm.

This weekend, September 18-20 is the Fall Youth Retreat.  Hopefully, everyone who plans on attending has let me know (we could probably squeeze 1 or 2 more in if you call me asap).  Forms for the retreat as well as a schedule of upcoming fall programs can be found on the church's website by clicking here.  As we go through the fall, please feel free to contact me if you have questions or comments about the program and check back here for updates (which I now know how to do!).

Thank you,
