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Friday, March 28, 2014

Youth Happenings Sunday March 30, 2014

Happy Spring Break! (to all those following the SPPS schedule)

No youth group this week, but here's what else is up.

9:00am Early Worship
9:00am Youth Choir
9:30am Explorers or Adult Ed
9:30am Chapel Choir
10:45am Late Worship

Friday, March 21, 2014

Youth Happenings Sunday March 23, 2014

Big Day!

Sunday is the last day of the Silent Auction and, mission trippers, let's end this strong. First, by showing up. Second, by going to the Facebook page and signing up to be a raffle ticket seller (2 needed) or a big poster (4 needed). The whole thing will wrap up around 12:30pm. While you are there be sure to Thank Laura and the other adults working on this huge part of our fundraising efforts.

What else?
9:00am Early Worship
9:00am Youth Choir
9:30am Explorers or Adult Ed
9:30am Chapel Choir
10:45am Late Worship-Confirmation Sunday. Everyone come and support the confirmation students.
12:00pm Silent Auction/Raffle Close

5:00-7:00pm Youth Group. Last week a lot of you were sweating tests and projects, come and take a break. This is our last youth group until April 13!

Seniors! Have you sent me the name of the person who is going to speak for you on Graduation Sunday (May 18)? Do it ASAP.

Friday, March 14, 2014

Youth Happenings March 16, 2014

Hey Folks:

Here's the line-up for this Sunday....

9:00am Early Worship
9:00am Youth Choir
9:30am Explorer's Class
9:30am Chapel Choir
10:45am Late Worship

3:30pm Confirmation...the last one!

5:00pm Youth Group

Looking forward to seeing everyone!



Friday, March 7, 2014

Youth Happenings March 9, 2014

Hey Folks,

We made it through Mardi Gras and lived to tell about it, the unrelenting winter is finally loosening its grasp, and best of all, we finally get to take a breather! This week, as we come together, there will be no talk of fundraisers or the mission trip, no decorating, and no event set up. This is a week to regroup, reconnect, and have fun with a good old game night. Bring games if you have them. There may even be a chance of...Christians and Romans. Yep, you heard that one right .

So, here's how the whole day breaks down:

9:00am Early worship

9:30am Explorers

10:45am Late Worship

5-7pm Youth Fellowship Game Night

See you Sunday!