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Thursday, October 31, 2013

Youth Happenings Coming Up

Hey Folks:

This Sunday, November 3

9:00am Youth Choir
9:30am Chapel Choir
9:30am Explorers Class
10:45am Worship

There is no youth group this Sunday. I will be out of town.

The Following Sunday (November 10)-Big Stuff!

9:30am Explorers Class
10:45am  Worship
3:30pm Parents meeting for Confirmation in the Plymouth Room (youth get to stay home)
5:00-7:00pm Youth Group

There is a mandatory Mission Trip Meeting for senior high participants and their parents that starts at 6pm.

Fellowship for junior high will be led by our new youth coordinator, Sarah. Come and meet her! A full bio on Sarah is coming, but she will also be working with the Explorers class. I am asking parents to encourage their youth to join Sarah at the 10:45am worship service after Explorers each week.

Look for more details next week, but for now, mark those calendars!



Friday, October 25, 2013

Youth Happenings This Sunday, October 27, 2013

Here's what going on this Sunday...

9:00am Worship
9:00am Youth Choir (grades 4-8)
9:30am Chapel choir (grades 9-12)
9:30am Explorers Class (grades 6-8)
10:45am Worship

Youth Group-Important Notice

The Circles of Grace event, scheduled for 6:00pm this Sunday has been cancelled. We will, however, have regular youth group from 5:00-7:00pm for junior and senior high youth. I look forward to seeing you Sunday!



Wednesday, October 23, 2013

A Message from Adam for Parents of Youth

Circles of Grace: Parents and Youth, Oct. 27, 6pm to 7pm

God’s Grace shines through the time, talents, treasure and trust given by this congregation to its ministries and the wider community.  During this year’s stewardship campaign, we have been gathering  in small groups to share the impact of the church on our lives and reflect upon the spiritual practice of giving and pledging. There is a special group happening this Sunday, Oct. 27 during the youth program for youth and adults.  Tom and Adam have crafted an experience that will work for the youth and include the parents.  Part of the evening will be spent separately, but we will end together as we acknowledge the gifts we have received and given that make the ministries of the church possible.  Please email Adam and let him know if you are able to come this Sunday. His email is Youth will gather for dinner, etc. at 5pm.     

Thursday, October 17, 2013

Youth Happenings October 20, 2013

Hey Folks!

Happy MEA/Educators Weekend! There is no Explorers class or Youth Group on Sunday.

We meet again on October 27th.



Thursday, October 10, 2013


If you receive blog updates by email, you will have notice I made a date error. This Sunday is the 13th. As for the 20th, there is no Explorers Class or Youth Group because of the long weekend for St. Paul public schools.

Sorry for the confusion,


Wednesday, October 9, 2013

Youth Happenings Sunday October 13, 2013

Hey Everyone:

Here's what is going on this Sunday....

9:00am Youth Choir (grades 4-8)
9:30am Chapel Choir (grades 9-12)
9:30am Explorers (grades 6-8)

12pm-3pm Junior and Senior High Youth Group
Bowling at Sun Ray Lanes
2245 Hudson Road (I-94 and McKnight Road)
Meet at church at noon. Back at church at 3.
Cost is $6.00
Food will be provided

Drivers are needed. Contact Tom if you are able to either drive youth to and pick them up from Sun Ray or are able to join us for the afternoon.

Note: There is no Explorers class or Youth Group next Sunday, October 20th.

I look forward to seeing everyone Sunday!



Friday, October 4, 2013

Youth Happenings Sunday October 6, 2013

8:30am Boy Scout Pancake Breakfast

9:00am Youth Choir (grades 4-8)
9:30am Chapel Choir (grades 9-12)
9:30am Explorers (grades 6-8)

5pm-7pm Junior and Senior High Youth Group

I look forward to seeing everyone Sunday!

