Here is the schedule for this Sunday. This past month was weird. We ran into Super Bowl Sunday, a snow-out and then Oscar Sunday. If you have been absent from our community, please join us. This Sunday we will be doing an activity that will have us dividing into junior and senior high, despite the fact the activity is the same. Please come and see what's up with that.
9:00am Early Worship, Youth Choir rehearsal
9:30am Explorers for 6-8th grade, adult ed for 9-12th grade, Chapel Choir rehearsal
10:45am Late Worship
3:30pm-5:00pm Confirmation for 8th grade
5:00pm-7:00pm Youth Group for 6-12th grade
OK, see you all Sunday. Tom
Attention Mission Trip Participants, from Laura Donovan, two very important announcements:
1. Bidding for the silent auction starts this Sunday. If you are
going on the mission trip, Laura Donovan needs to know what your donation to the
auction will be. She needs this information no later than Saturday. Please call
or text her at 651-699-1170 or email her at and let her
know. If you have any questions or need ideas, please let her know ASAP.
2. Paula Nessa has offered $30 for three hours of typing some of her favorite recipes (see Tom about this)