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Thursday, February 28, 2013

Youth Happenings March 3, 2013

Hey All:

Here is the schedule for this Sunday. This past month was weird. We ran into Super Bowl Sunday, a snow-out  and then Oscar Sunday. If you have been absent from our community, please join us. This Sunday we will be doing an activity that will have us dividing into junior and senior high, despite the fact the activity is the same. Please come and see what's up with that.

9:00am Early Worship, Youth Choir rehearsal
9:30am Explorers for 6-8th grade, adult ed for 9-12th grade, Chapel Choir rehearsal
10:45am Late Worship

3:30pm-5:00pm Confirmation for 8th grade
5:00pm-7:00pm Youth Group for 6-12th grade

OK, see you all Sunday. Tom

Attention Mission Trip Participants, from Laura Donovan, two very important announcements:

1. Bidding for the silent auction starts this Sunday. If you are going on the mission trip, Laura Donovan needs to know what your donation to the auction will be. She needs this information no later than Saturday. Please call or text her at 651-699-1170 or email her at and let her know. If you have any questions or need ideas, please let her know ASAP.  

2. Paula Nessa has offered $30 for three hours of typing some of her favorite recipes (see Tom about this)

Thursday, February 21, 2013

Youth Happenings Sunday February 24, 2013

Hey All:

Here's the rundown:

9:00am Early Worship
9:30am Explorer's Class for 6-8th grade/Adult Ed for others
10:45am Late Worship

3:30pm Confirmation
5:00-8:00pm Youth Group

Two important notes: because we are having a movie night, the end time for youth group is later. Also, whatever movie is chosen for movie night will be screened as best as possible for appropriateness. We would like permission to show up to a PG-13 movie should one be proposed that has a good message in it.  If you are uncomfortable with this, please contact Tom and him know.

See you all Sunday!

Thursday, February 14, 2013

Three Things About Youth Group

1. There is no Explorers, confirmation, choir practice, or youth group this Sunday (the 17th) because of the holiday weekend and the All Church Retreat.

2. Last week's events have been rescheduled top next Sunday. So there will be confirmation at 3:30pm and youth group will be the 1st Annual Spiritual Cinema Festival and go until 8pm. The details...

From 5-6 we will have our usual check-in and dinner, then...

We will be having our first annual spiritual cinema festival. Bring a movie (on DVD) that you feel says something important spiritually. Note: it does not have to be a religious film or a film about a particular spiritual tradition, it just needs to be something that has a lesson that you think illustrates an interesting spiritual principle. Oh, and it needs to be something Brian and Tom won't get in trouble for showing in church.

3. Attention Mission Trip Participants, from Laura Donovan:

Hi Tom, could you put a notice on the blog that I will be starting to post silent auction donations this Sunday in the social hall. Any youth who knows what they want to donate should contact me, either via email or can call or text me at 651-210-8956.

Sunday, February 10, 2013

No Confirmation or Youth Group Today

Hey Folks:

Sorry to say that the first annual Spiritual Cinema Festival has been snowed out. No youth group tonight. We will reschedule this event. (There is no youth group next week because of the All Church Retreat).

Likewise, no confirmation this afternoon. We will definitely reschedule this as well. See you Wednesday at 5:30pm.

Enjoy the snow!


Thursday, February 7, 2013

Youth Events 2/10; 1st Annual Spiritual Cinema Festival

                        Explorers for 6th-8th grade 9:30-10:30am

                        Youth choir rehearsal 9:00-9:30am

                        Chapel choir rehearsal 9:30-10:15am

                        Confirmation for 8th grade 3:30-5:00pm

                        Youth Group 5:00-8:00pm 

Notice that time change on youth group.

From 5-6 we will have our usual check-in and dinner, then...

We will be having our first annual spiritual cinema festival*. Bring a movie (on DVD) that you feel says something important spiritually. Note: it does not have to be a religious film or a film about a particular spiritual tradition, it just needs to be something that has a lesson that you think illustrates an interesting spiritual principle. Oh, and it needs to be something Brian and Tom won't get in trouble for showing in church.

*Legal disclaimer: it is a festival of movie submissions. We can only watch the one we all vote on.


Saturday, February 2, 2013

Sunday Update from Ed

It has come to our attention that the Superbowl takes place during Youth Fellowship. We looked into putting the game on during fellowship tomorrow (Feb. 3), but it seems we currently lack the (digital) technology to do so. However, for those not participating in the mission trip meeting at 6, I will have board games in the social hall for all who are interested. If you have a favorite you want to share with the group, please bring it! Brian is out of town this weekend. Mike Brown (Simon's dad) is providing the meal.
See you Sunday!


Friday, February 1, 2013

Sunday February 3rd Youth Happenings

It's practically a normal Sunday!

                        Explorers for 6th-8th grade 9:30-10:30am

                        Youth choir rehearsal 9:00-9:30am

                        Chapel choir rehearsal 9:30-10:15am

                        Confirmation for 8th grade 3:30-5:00pm

                        Youth Group 5:00-7:00pm
                        (Mission Trip Committee meets at 6)

See you all Sunday....
