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Thursday, January 26, 2012

Mission Trip Update

On Sunday February 26 at 6:00pm there will be a mandatory mission trip meeting for youth going on the mission trip and their parents. Please put this on your calendar and theirs. Mission trip co-chairs, please post this on Facebook.

Also, there are still a couple of spaces left for the fundraising opportunity on February 5th and 5 spaces for the 19th. This is an easy and enjoyable way to get credit for fundraising so sign up by emailing me at



Thursday, January 19, 2012

Important News for Mission Trip Participants

The fundraising for the mission trip has begun! Session is offering to make a contribution to the mission trip in exchange for youth helping people fill out surveys related to the new pastor search. The dates are February 5th and 19th after the 10:45 worship service. Probably about five people are needed each week. Please bring a laptop that can connect to our wi-fi. If you do not have a laptop you can still help, though.

This is a great way to get credit for participating in the mission trip fundraising. Email me at to participate. Also, let me know if you are able to bring a laptop and which week you are interested in.

