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Saturday, December 24, 2011

Christmas Eve Early Service

Youth: Are you singing in the early service tonight? If so, please show up as close to 4:00pm for a rehearsal.

Merry Christmas!


Sunday, December 11, 2011

Youth Christmas Party

Annual Youth Christmas Party
December 18, 2011 12:00pm-2:00pm

This coming Sunday is the Christmas Party. I hope to see you all there. Here's what Sunday's Fellowship group planned:

1. Music-bring christmas music, either on CD or iPod (and if you have a iPod speaker bring that)

2. Activites- Karaoke, Apples to Apples, Raptor Ball, Snow sculpture on Mac College Commons, and a White Elephant exchange. This year bring something you don't use anymore as your White Elephant gift. If you would rather buy, please spend no more than $4.00. Wrap it.

3. Food (so far)-Jimmy:Chili, Sam: Big Steaming Bowl of Ramen, Bergs:Cookies, Lian: Hot Chocolate, Ben: The Nog; Samantha: Chips.
If your last name begins with A-H, and you haven't volunteered something already, please bring a small main dish, if last name starts with I-N, please bring some snack item, If O-W, please bring candy or dessert.

A continued blessed Advent season and a Merry Christmas to all,


Friday, December 2, 2011

Youth Fellowship This Sunday

Hey Folks:

Big Christmas time tradition this weekend: We have youth fellowship from 12-2pm. We'll eat and then some of us will set up for Round the Table Carol Sing and the rest will go shopping for our Aliveness Project families. Please remember to bring $20.00 as able so we can provide these families with as much of the Christmas gifts we can!

Question? Contact me.

I look forward to seeing you all there!

