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Sunday, January 16, 2011

Welcome to Peace Coffee Sales!

The order form (in the side panel on the right) is to be used for selling to your personal network of family and friends.  An important note is the wholesale cost of the coffee will increase February 1, so we will make less money from each sale after that date.  Start selling now!!!!  If you can turn in your order forms as you sell, I will place orders every week. 
The form is pretty straight forward - the only tricky part is when someone wants coffee ground - please be careful to note that order and charge for it.  I have to pay for the coffee upon pick up, so I would ask that you collect for the coffee when you take the order to minimize the risk of coming up short.  I suggest that you e-mail your order form to or give them to me or Lee at church.  We will deliver your order at the following Sunday's church service or youth group.  If you will not be there, you will need to get in touch with us to make arrangements for delivery.  I will want the money collected at the time of delivering your order (or before if possible).  Checks should be made out to MPUC.

Sunday, January 9, 2011

Schedule for Coffee Sales

Hello Everyone!
Thank you for coming to the meeting tonight at church and bringing your forms! The youth should have signed up to sell coffee one sunday and here is the schedule:

-Sari Olson
-Lian Simmer
-Edmund Catlin

1-23-11 ** PLEASE NOTE: this sunday we are selling at 10:25 because of the all church mtg
-Lily Brown
-Ellie Powell
-Aidan Coleman

-Rose Lundy
-Gianna Williams

-Hannah Frawley
-Kelsea W
-Vanessa Samuelson

-Lily Schafer
-Claire Donovan
-Maddy Frawley

-Julia Schafer
-Lydia Nelson
-Will Fischer

-Charlie Platt
-Jack Nelson
-Hannah Park

-Claire Romey
-Henry Bushnell

Thank you in advance for coming and selling coffee! See Maddie if you have questions regarding the coffee sales.

-Clara Dockter

Thursday, January 6, 2011

Rescheduled Meeting this week, ALL FORMs, check, and an engaging Guest. 5-7 on Sunday

Hello All

Just a reminder of this Sunday's meeting at 5 pm, for all youth participants on the June 2011 trip and their parents. In preparation for the meeting, please see the forms that should be filled out located over on the right hand side of this blog. PLEASE BRING THEM COMPLETED TO THE MEETING. Also, we expect to collect a deposit check for $75, made out to MPUC, which will all go toward the deposit required at DOOR.

In addition to forms and such, we were able to reschedule a visit by Armando Comacho, the president of Neighborhood House in St. Paul, a 110-year-old social services agency located in the Paul and Sheila Wellstone Center on the West Side. Neighborhood House is likely the kind of group we will serve in Denver, and you all will want to hear Armando talk about his mission.

Finally, please recall that each family should bring a meal for themselves as well as a little bit extra, Feeding the 5000 style, for families or participants who did not quite get the word or forgot. We want all to be fed.

Thanks. See you Sunday