Dear 2010 Mission Trip Parents, Participants and Interested Adults,
The AZ mission trip youth have been invited by the Peacemakers to be guest speakers at the October 17 Lunch & Learn right after church in the Plymouth Room. The Peacemakers will be hosting this event, providing food and beverages. In addition, because the Peacemakers really value the insights of the youth, they would like to pay a $125 honorarium (like they would for guest speakers) to the youth to be put towards the 2011 mission trip.
The Peacemakers would like the youth to specifically address 1. ways that our church can be more responsive to the needs of immigrants in our midst, and 2. what could or should we be doing to promote justice here in our own community? Two of the youth, Maddie S. and Charlie, have volunteered to lead this presentation. If you are a 2010 mission trip participant, please come to support Maddie and Charlie, and to add to the conversation with your own ideas. Looking forward to seeing you there!
Lauren Baske Davis